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Best players Long Jump

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.ovninja74206.08.12 pm31 18:07
2.mack67906.08.12 am31 09:52
3.WesP67006.08.12 am31 01:17
4.klokanCNX61808.08.12 am31 09:06
5.goron59906.08.12 am31 00:49
6.Apofis56206.08.12 pm31 17:12
7.Kacirek_Donald55912.08.12 pm31 20:34
8.MOZ3K53615.08.12 pm31 22:44
9.Avenged1552306.08.12 am31 11:17
10.Tumi50506.08.12 am31 11:18
11.jiti46108.08.12 pm31 22:35
12.vachy640312.08.12 am31 09:09
13.Annýsek-Rajnýsek35331.08.12 pm31 19:53
last update 26.4.2024 17:58:05

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Barca-Vulcova 176 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 23:08
Barca-Vulcova 139 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 23:08
Barca-Vulcova 139 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 23:07
Patrik-Muller 340 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:51
Patrik-Muller 340 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
Patrik-Muller 353 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
Patrik-Muller 260 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
Patrik-Muller 265 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
Patrik-Muller 430 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
Patrik-Muller 439 / Distance in centimeters Distance in centimeters 04.04.14 pm30 22:49
last update 26.4.2024 17:58:05


Long Jump

Long Jump

Try to break the world record in long jump.
The only goal of this game is run and jump as far as possible. The most important is the angle you get when jumping. The right corner shows it and don’t forget to be precious in the timing. The records are 8.95 among men and 7.52 among women.

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Long Jump Long Jump

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