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Best players Bob the Robber

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Order Player score Reached on
1.Jaroslavek666401.01.14 pm31 17:03
last update 26.4.2024 11:11:03

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Player score Description Reached on
Jaroslavek6 664 / Score Highscores 01.01.14 pm31 17:03
Jaroslavek6 282 / Score Highscores 01.01.14 pm31 16:56
Jaroslavek6 243 / Score Highscores 19.12.13 pm31 20:54
Jaroslavek6 78 / Score Highscores 19.12.13 pm31 20:43
tomasjanota 1650 / Score Highscores 04.11.13 pm30 15:39
tomasjanota 955 / Score Highscores 18.10.13 pm31 23:15
tomasjanota 588 / Score Highscores 18.10.13 pm31 15:23
tomasjanota 351 / Score Highscores 18.10.13 pm31 14:11
tomasjanota 100 / Score Highscores 18.10.13 pm31 14:06
skru 1232 / Score Highscores 18.09.13 pm30 23:00
last update 26.4.2024 11:11:03


Bob the Robber

Bob the Robber

Bob is a nice chestnut. He has been training to become the best thief since his childhood. He steals everything possible but mostly jewels and money. Show him how to avoid guards and cameras.
In every level, you have three tasks. Don’t let yourself to be caught, find out the hidden code and reach the treasure. Search and control all boxes, shelves or fireplaces. The most difficult part is not getting caught. You have only five tries. The cameras watch your very step so hide in the shadows. The guards and landlords can be hit into the head and so you have some more free time for the thief activities. Codes are written on piece of papers so find them to unlock iron doors.

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Bob the Robber Bob the Robber Bob the Robber Bob the Robber

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