
Commander Keen - Robot Invasion

Commander Keen - Robot Invasion

Commander Keen is a game you will never forget. Especially when you have fan-made games. This piece where you have to fight robots was made in Game Maker.
If someone can stop big bunch of robots, it must only Keen. Commander Keen. The style is classic platformer game where every single robot boos represents one level. You can choose any and beat it. The main content is in jumping over obstacles from platform to platform and getting over spikes. The robots are classic foes which can be destroyed by shooting. When we count all the things together the difficulty climbs pretty high. One wrong step and hit from enemy and you can try once again. The difficulty can be really frustrating. This is truly game for every Commander Keen fan.

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Commander Keen - Robot Invasion Commander Keen - Robot Invasion Commander Keen - Robot Invasion Commander Keen - Robot Invasion

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