
Furious Tank

Furious Tank

Tank , with a tank against other tanks and other aims. Reminder for old good 2D shooter games. So get into the armored vehicle and start punch through.
Furious Tanks gives us chance to handle real beast with main and the only goal , destroy everything in your way. The controls are very simple, arrows move the tank and mouse shoot. For all destroyed enemies you get money which you can invest into better equipment, health or stronger missiles. Some enemies are only funny guys but some are tough work for you. For example a tank that teleports itself and you meet him in the first levels and thanks to you low health it is risky enemy. The health is a bit problem in the beginning. Bullets flying everywhere and you survive only 3-4 hits , later the health is not a problem but at first you must survive. The big minus is for objects which block your way and you even do not need to hit them , just going around and you stop for no reason. The graphic is not so bad but not so great too , typical average. Big plus for cadence in the game and many upgrades. Minuses are for the stupid objects and sometimes unbalanced enemies.

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