
Mechanicus: Star Confrontation

Mechanicus: Star Confrontation

Play the virtual mechanic and build barriers to intercept and to get the ball exactly where you need it. Come play with dynamite, dice and counters. To do still better and better designs and advanced puzzles.

We're used to that in games of this type are commonly found balls of different sizes and flexibility. Similarly, this will happen here. Likewise, the difference in the counters. On the left of the screen you can see a tool that keeps you on that level what you have to make. Bulkheads and intercept can be freely rotated as needed. If the left and the ball pops up, it usually means that it will be the trigger mechanism. The levels with a football, say the authors, are for relaxing and simply go through them so that place all platforms and let the ball drop inside. When the game enters the dynamite, it's still fun. Some levels require patience, good timing and often more experimenting before the player realizes where he/she is making a mistake. Attempts have so much as you want. If you simply can not, you try and try. Too much do not expect going on here, occasionally levels might be a little livelier. For many players can act very static and austere.

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Mechanicus: Star Confrontation Mechanicus: Star Confrontation Mechanicus: Star Confrontation Mechanicus: Star Confrontation Mechanicus: Star Confrontation

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