
Samurai Last Exam

Samurai Last Exam

Samurai means usually a secret for European people, it is an exotic and romantic warrior. This one here is quite simple. He stands before his final exam, however it is not an epic battle to death, but a meal.
He has already mastered everything he needs to be a proper samurai, only one last thing remains. Can he make a delicious sushi? He obtains a secret recipe from his master and goes to a stand, where people demand constantly a tasty snack. At least he is a good manager, because every customer wants something different and he shouldn't make too many mistakes. Our hero can choose a path to his liking, however everything is still centered around sushi making. Mix ingredients and serve quickly and try to have less duds. when you master tutorial, try it without. What is your memory like? Would you be a good samurai?

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