
Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles

Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles

The story about this small girl is almost epic. Getting through the world and beat all the challenges in match-3-game style take over 30 and more hours. If you don’t have problems with small letters then Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles becomes fun for weeks.
I really didn’t follow the storyline too much, what’s more interesting is the tasks and worlds you visit. Every level gives you something to beat in the world of four elements separated into bricks. Use special field where you rotate four bricks in the same moment and match the same types. The control isn’t the easiest I have seen. Use your mouse and combine it with A,S keys for travelling. The tasks are mostly various but keep basic like get enough point, destroy only certain type of bricks etc.
Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles offers multiplayer and several modes as well to increase the length and playability. The only minus we give is for the small resolution.

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Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles

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