
Vanilla and Chocolate

Vanilla and Chocolate

Having your own pastry shop, care for raw materials, recipes and even make it operational, that's something. Try as you tackle with this task. Your main job description is to satisfy all customers as possible to the maximum. Will you be fast enough?

First, it is necessary to ensure adequate supplies of stock. Therefore, buy as much ice-cream as you can. Watch your finances, however, if you still want to save money for new equipment. Once you have a store, you can start the game. The clock at the top of the screen will measure working hours. In the time turn-over in the candy store quite a few people. And everyone will want something else. First, give customers a daily menu. And wait, what they choose. Take the cone, place in machine and then select ice cream, which has been ordered. Then just serve it and grab a prize - a silver or gold coin. As you move further in the game and buy new things,clients' requirements add too. Soon they will also want to drink, another type of cones, etc. It takes some sweat to work effectively. And especially not to make mistakes. However, if after all, something like this happens, discard unsuccessful product into the basket and continue quietly. A freak is quite intensive sequence of steps in terms of ordering materials and incorporation of new recipes. I recommend, therefore, have a tutorial to give you advice. Often, it is absolutely necessary.

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