
Ant Smasher

Ant Smasher

Quite funny game where you kill ants of all kinds. You have to get them before they get on the other side of the map. Be careful and don't kill everything, for example the bees must stay alive. You can lose a life because you get one later for sure. The beginning is rather slow but later the tempo is great but still a bit abreaction type of game. Ant Smasher is more for boring minutes than hours.
Quite funny game where you kill ants of all kinds. You have to get them before they get on the other side of the map. Be careful and don't kill everything, for example the bees must stay alive. You can lose a life because you get one later for sure. The beginning is rather slow but later the tempo is great but still a bit abreaction type of game. Ant Smasher is more for boring minutes than hours.

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