
Army Sniper

Army Sniper

You are an elite soldier holding the right place. This time it's about sniping in a tough situation. Don't wait for anything and show the right headshots, legshots or any body part shots. You have to move fast in two game modes. It's about aiming and shooting the targets. With the right button you start a concentration mode making you aiming better and slower. It has great graphics and it's a great fun.
You are an elite soldier holding the right place. This time it's about sniping in a tough situation. Don't wait for anything and show the right headshots, legshots or any body part shots. You have to move fast in two game modes. It's about aiming and shooting the targets. With the right button you start a concentration mode making you aiming better and slower. It has great graphics and it's a great fun.

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Army Sniper Army Sniper Army Sniper Army Sniper

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