


News channel ČT 24 (Czech television 24) for your mobile phones. From this moment, you can read about everything what is in ČT 24. You can separate and filtrate the news according rubrics and sport or culture isn't missed. Tap on the tile and open the articles, you can change the size of text as well. You don't need to return back on the main overview thanks easy moving among the articles. The channel can be watches live in your phone as well, just use the internet.
News channel ČT 24 (Czech television 24) for your mobile phones. From this moment, you can read about everything what is in ČT 24. You can separate and filtrate the news according rubrics and sport or culture isn't missed. Tap on the tile and open the articles, you can change the size of text as well. You don't need to return back on the main overview thanks easy moving among the articles. The channel can be watches live in your phone as well, just use the internet.

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