


Once again we have here a remake of old classic, which have thrived long time ago, however it is still played to this day. It goes under name Kalah (Mancala). It is suited for two players, each has balls with different colors in its own section. These balls are rotated against clock to another section. The goal is to have as much balls in own fringe section as possible. If you want to learn official rules, browse to Wikipedia. Others do not bother and lets go play logic game as it was meant to be. You can play against friend, or AI.
Once again we have here a remake of old classic, which have thrived long time ago, however it is still played to this day. It goes under name Kalah (Mancala). It is suited for two players, each has balls with different colors in its own section. These balls are rotated against clock to another section. The goal is to have as much balls in own fringe section as possible. If you want to learn official rules, browse to Wikipedia. Others do not bother and lets go play logic game as it was meant to be. You can play against friend, or AI.

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