
Line Up

Line Up

Are you looking for abreaction, where you can think a bit too? Then this game was made for you. Your task is to find at least three same color bricks and click on them, after this they disappear and make room for other. Constantly, a new line of bricks appear and you have another possibility for searching. The speed is gradually faster and faster and so you have less time for searching the same colors. You have limited number of clicks too. Quiet addictive, simple and nice with possibility to change shapes and save you score.
Are you looking for abreaction, where you can think a bit too? Then this game was made for you. Your task is to find at least three same color bricks and click on them, after this they disappear and make room for other. Constantly, a new line of bricks appear and you have another possibility for searching. The speed is gradually faster and faster and so you have less time for searching the same colors. You have limited number of clicks too. Quiet addictive, simple and nice with possibility to change shapes and save you score.

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