
Bug Village

Bug Village

Having own bug village, that's something new and it's in 3D. Prepare yourself for creating a new civilization on small place. Begin with huts and basic sources. Later, you unlock bigger building and possibilities. I'm still speaking about a micro-world. To build things needs time and workers. Don't forget that bees collect honey and deliver it into you growing city. There are tasks which must be fulfilled if you want to gain experience and materials.
Having own bug village, that's something new and it's in 3D. Prepare yourself for creating a new civilization on small place. Begin with huts and basic sources. Later, you unlock bigger building and possibilities. I'm still speaking about a micro-world. To build things needs time and workers. Don't forget that bees collect honey and deliver it into you growing city. There are tasks which must be fulfilled if you want to gain experience and materials.

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