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Best players Apple Snake

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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom6812624.04.14 pm30 13:29
last update 26.4.2024 22:33:40

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 126 / Score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:29
DoDoTom68 36 / Score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:27
DoDoTom68 81 / Score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:26
DoDoTom68 30 / Score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:24
GOTorroGO 322 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 am31 01:43
GOTorroGO 151 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 am31 01:39
GOTorroGO 190 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 am31 01:37
sevilla 88 / Score Highscores 26.01.14 pm31 21:33
daviddd 140 / Score Highscores 15.01.14 am31 08:40
daviddd 175 / Score Highscores 13.01.14 am31 10:18
last update 26.4.2024 22:33:40


Apple Snake

Apple Snake

Apple snake is another close of the classic Snake game. At first you have only his head and by eating apples you make him longer but sometimes you meet a strange black creatures. The creatures try to catch you, when this happened the game is over. At first their numbers is low but in the higher levels they look almost everywhere. The graphic is really nice and plus for pleasant music.

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Apple Snake Apple Snake

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