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Best players New Land

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.michaelka912494124.01.13 pm31 14:24
2.HollyKiller1318911.01.13 pm31 13:22
3.wondryst438324.01.13 pm31 13:33
last update 26.4.2024 19:05:30

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
michaelka91 24941 / Score Highscores 24.01.13 pm31 14:24
wondryst 4383 / Score Highscores 24.01.13 pm31 13:33
HollyKiller 13189 / Score Highscores 11.01.13 pm31 13:22
HollyKiller 8533 / Score Highscores 11.01.13 pm31 13:18
voky15 4390 / Score Highscores 12.12.12 pm31 21:04
WesP 8551 / Score Highscores 18.11.12 pm30 16:59
WesP 4629 / Score Highscores 18.11.12 pm30 16:57
mack 4079 / Score Highscores 18.11.12 pm30 14:35
kulisarna 4157 / Score Highscores 16.09.12 am30 01:38
Zuntak 4794 / Score Highscores 15.08.12 pm31 14:27
last update 26.4.2024 19:05:30


New Land

New Land

You are a pilot of one strange looking airplane and your task is exploring new area. The problem is getting in so are you able to solve some logic puzzles and get in our best player list?
Boxes, stones, buttons are everywhere and you have to use and combine them to get into a teleport. Use a very heavy ball joined to the plane to move the objects but until you handle the tricky control you may need to restart several times. The health isn’t plentiful. The arrow keys are only way to move.

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