


Armed only with a bow and will to live you have to survive in Sovereign and enjoy the RPG world where you can do whatever you wish.
Learning the possibilities will take some gaming time because you really don’t know what’s going on. You are in a strange world inhabited by strange creatures and those things are available for hunting. This is the only way you can gather resources for basic crafting and exploring the deeper content.
The technical part is really above average, the biggest pro is the graphics. It may not be perfect but for freeware game everything looks fine. The only unpleasant part of Sovereign is the hunting action. Shooting and aiming is very difficult, especially at long distance hunt.

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Klaus | 02.03.13 pm31 15:43

I think this game just taste fine, especially when you just want to go to a fictive nature world and doing things that makes you relax


Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign

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