
PicSay Photo Editor

PicSay Photo Editor

A photo editor for your android. Take a photo and enhance it. You can ad a comics bubble, hair, eyes, or an original symbol. When done, you can zoom the objects, rotate it and so on. Everything is simply erased by double touch. You can find basic commands in the menu. It is possible to ad various filters, brighten and darken each part, saturate and much more. This is handy application with a well done interface.
A photo editor for your android. Take a photo and enhance it. You can ad a comics bubble, hair, eyes, or an original symbol. When done, you can zoom the objects, rotate it and so on. Everything is simply erased by double touch. You can find basic commands in the menu. It is possible to ad various filters, brighten and darken each part, saturate and much more. This is handy application with a well done interface.

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