
Save Newton Lite

Save Newton Lite

In this simple game you guard a head of Isaac Newton against falling apples to prevent him from ideas such as gravitation. You get a bow with arrows, however precise aim is on you. Wait for the right moment and shoot. Simple controls allows you to just click in a designated area and the game takes care of shooting. However apples are numerous and physicist on screen walks randomly. There is a couple of difficulties available and a special apples usable for upgrades. Last thing - Don't kill Newton
In this simple game you guard a head of Isaac Newton against falling apples to prevent him from ideas such as gravitation. You get a bow with arrows, however precise aim is on you. Wait for the right moment and shoot. Simple controls allows you to just click in a designated area and the game takes care of shooting. However apples are numerous and physicist on screen walks randomly. There is a couple of difficulties available and a special apples usable for upgrades. Last thing - Don't kill Newton

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