
Star XPong

Star XPong

We have here one very well done mutation of The Pong for mobile phones. Why is this game special? The Pong is about bouncing a ball from moving platform around game-plane and Star XPong has four of these platforms in each wall of the game-plane. You can control platform's movement by leaning of your mobile device. The goal is to destroy objects in the center of the game-plan, this means going to next level. It takes some time to get used to controls, however sure it is a call you should answer.
We have here one very well done mutation of The Pong for mobile phones. Why is this game special? The Pong is about bouncing a ball from moving platform around game-plane and Star XPong has four of these platforms in each wall of the game-plane. You can control platform's movement by leaning of your mobile device. The goal is to destroy objects in the center of the game-plan, this means going to next level. It takes some time to get used to controls, however sure it is a call you should answer.

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