
Rawalls WM

Rawalls WM

Rawalls is a paraphrase of the famous DOS-platform game called Hexxagon. According to the chosen difficulty you have a number of different colored boxes, which are numbered. The number on each box indicates how many fields are supposed to be seen from that one individual box. To achieve the award must be placed several walls in various directions - if a wall is positioned correctly, you will be informed by box color changing to green. Two lowest difficulities are de-facto training, but later you get into situations where you have to think about the difficult positioning of the wall.
If you feel any problems, you can use help, but it will result in your penalisation.
Rawalls is a paraphrase of the famous DOS-platform game called Hexxagon. According to the chosen difficulty you have a number of different colored boxes, which are numbered. The number on each box indicates how many fields are supposed to be seen from that one individual box. To achieve the award must be placed several walls in various directions - if a wall is positioned correctly, you will be informed by box color changing to green. Two lowest difficulities are de-facto training, but later you get into situations where you have to think about the difficult positioning of the wall.
If you feel any problems, you can use help, but it will result in your penalisation.


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/ Manitou


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