
Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents

Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents

Would it be fun to have a store with cars to repair them, improve, wash and sell them? Here you can try this.
It’s all about getting cars is terrible shape. You should choose the cheaper pieces to make some profit. The next step is about repairing the car and letting it to be sold or hired. The further levels offer some car upgrades. The more and better things you have the more money you get from the business. The whole process is about two things – workers and parts. Every levels starts with some basic number of both of the things and you have to buy them. The levels are about fulfilling series of tasks. If you are good and work well you get diplomas. The game has truly nice graphics and separated into many sections.

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Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents Fix-It-Up Eighties: Meet Kates Parents

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