
Fission Balls

Fission Balls

Do you have strategy thinking to win this hard game focusing only on score? Click a start button and deal with proliferating balloons, before it devours you.
Authors meant a space shooter in a different style. In a classic setting you can meet meteors and enemies, however your goal is to destroy emerging colored balloons nearing your craft. When hit the balloon divides into halves. Now you have two options. Let one loose and focus on the other, or do both. First variant is easier, the other is usable only for a moment. Imagine later many balloons, when it is impossible to hit them all at once.
At least one balloon must be present and then it is a chain reaction. Empty space means game over. Each hit hovers balloon a bit. Don't let it fall too much, or you won't get there soon enough.
The game is really simple, suitable for children, without violence, you just hit colored balls. It has innovative approach to a classic theme and excellent game-play. Who gets a gold medal?

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