
Up and Away

Up and Away

Not too many people can imagine what will happen after we leave this world. But authors of these game have in this problem clear opinion. At first we must go through hell of course and after this we can travel up. Here everyone can get into heaven.
Yes it is true you are now in the lowest part of Tartar. Most think there is no way out some say it is but very difficult. Here the way is a bit ... bony. Take your green spirit and jump. Ok the spirit jumps on its own but you must lead the way.

You say: nothing difficult but the tough part awaits you later like guards or floating bricks. You must outsmart them. The advantage is that the bricks don't disappear and you can touch them as many times as you want.

Many times the authors have strange ideas how to make the way faster, for example impale the spirit on a spike and the ghost travels much much faster and screams much much more. Then there are springs and other funny things.

The graphic is creative and it does not matter it all the time the same but comparing it with Icy Tower the second choice wins but for making the day better it's enough. You can overcome the best score of your friends or the world too.

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Up and Away Up and Away Up and Away

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