
Jungle Jewels - The Adventure

Jungle Jewels - The Adventure

And again we meet in the jungle. We will find jewelry of all different colors. It does not matter to us whether this is ruby, sapphire or emerald, mainly, that it will sparkle. It can be learned by everyone here and adrenaline is definitely not absent. Do you think that logic can not be really exciting?
Notify you in advance on some pitfalls. Even if the game is trying to explain what exactly you do, I advise you don't click on the tent, where your hero or heroine will live. Trifle starts to load and usually doesn't load. Therefore, rather click on the numbers that identify the levels and main stages of your journey.

Each level is a bit heavier and I must say that these anagrams are for the more experienced, who has played quite a lot of games and know where to look and what to go after. The time interval is chosen to create the last three and passed the last second. Attention! We fight for further action and money. For them, then you can buy exactly what you want.

First, you can upgrade your hero. Of course, you can choose male or female, it is up to you who will be more suitable. Then you can adjust to your preference. Change the color of their hair, eyes, hat and clothing. Just everything you can think of.

During the game, carefully watch the left of the screen, because it will show what is required from you. Sometimes you have to put together a number of certain gem, or even more kinds of precious gems. And it is needed to act quickly. The game offers a very nice design and great sound system.

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Jungle Jewels - The Adventure Jungle Jewels - The Adventure Jungle Jewels - The Adventure Jungle Jewels - The Adventure Jungle Jewels - The Adventure

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