
Bonus Android Games - part 65 the most crazy Google Play things

Bonus Android Games - part 65 the most crazy Google Play things

You can download almost anything at Google Play. Beginning with games, over applications, films, books, to music and many of them are completely free. Therefore you can turn your phone into filled and useful piece of equipment for work, fun or leisure time activity. Besides the useful content there are some strange ideas which cannot be used at all for any normal reason. This is going to make a really interesting Bonus Android games today. Let’s speak about applications which are completely useless but you will have fun exploring the authors’ inventions.

Do you wish a hot chocolate or a beer?
An applicaiton giving you a beer and you can even virtually drink it? This has been here for some time. But this thing has evolved into other working applications. You can try hot chocolate, milk or thro ice water thanks the so called Ice Bucket Challenge . Each application looks pretty real. The beer can get foam if you quickly move the phone or it’s possible to break the glass. Milk may turn into a cream or a cheese. Tilting the whole phone makes the liquid to flow away making space for a new round.

Virtual Fire? Doesn’t hurt!
Another funny thing trying to look real is a lighter. Light it up and just enjoy the flame as long as possible.
For the old school guys there is a candle simulator, just install it and read books in the old way and when you finish just blow it.

These things really mean nothing useful but you can have really great fun after drinking some glasses with your friends in the real pub.

Stevie Wonder Simulator
Ok, this is a thing which talks itself. The idea surely is original but the whole application is …. nothing. After turning it on you get black screen and you appear in the world of Stevie Wonder and you can stay as long as you wish. You may think “why”? It’s a good joke but why to put it into your phone.

Rain Sounds
Does the sound of the rain calms you down? Thanks this application you can turn or three types of rain and relax. During the simulation pictures will appear but if you are afraid of storms then it’s better trying something else. Rain Sounds

Ok, these were some really strange Google Play piece, some doesn’t really make any sense and won’t entertain you for long hours. On the other hand even these nonsenses can be playful among friends. The choices here are just few from many.


Dominik Wetter / Kacirek_Donald

Publikováno: 15.09.2014

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