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GDS 2011 Prague invitation and short interview with composer Dan Wentz

GDS 2011 Prague invitation and short interview with composer Dan Wentz

Prague hosts game and informative bomb in the shape of two days marathon filled with sessions, workshops and interesting guests. We visited the same Game Developer Session last year and it was really one nice surprise thanks the high informative level. Some topics were described more in our articles (but only in Czech folks). We had met Hammerware and their popular Family Farm for the first time, bumped into new trend called ARG and we found out how the gaming creativity holds in our republic.

But that’s the past and the new year event is coming. From the limited information, which was given by the organizers, we know it’s going to be huge. It takes place on November 19th and 20th, yes for two nice days. The program isn’t only about speeches, sessions or lessons but you can visit workshops, game showcase and things you can really “touch”.

Update: The official program is out so you can check all the guests and interesting people here.

Before the program and schedule was published we did small research and get to information about one very interesting guest. His name is Dan Wentz and he composes and has composed music into many games (Descent, Freespace, Red Faction, Saints Row or Summoner). was lucky and we spent some time chatting with Dan about his visit.

Hi Dan, you are going to visit GDS 2011 in Prague. How did you discover this event and who invited you?

I found out about it through my Producer Jan Jirkovsky and CEO Marek Rosa. Having been a part of Miner Wars since basically the beginning - They were the ones who invited me to attend.

Have you ever been to the Czech Republic?
No, and I'm very excited about it. I've never really been out of the US before - Canada, but that doesn't really count.

I do have plans to see the sights as well. This is a huge opportunity to take in one of the key artistic locations I've ever had the honor to visit.

The GDS takes place during three days, are you staying in Prague the whole time?
Yes, in fact, I'll be staying in Prague from Nov 17th through the 27th. Planning on spending some extended time with my team.

Are you having your own “session” ?
We'll be presenting Miner Wars in different parts. I'll likely be spending some time talking about my background, what led me to Miner Wars and how I intend to help take it to the next level. I will be spending much of my time in the next weeks preparing for it.

Part of that presentation will be going over, project by project, what I've worked on before and how it relates to where I am now.

Because that's what I think is equally if not more important, not just what you've done, but what you are doing now.

Is there something particular you are looking forward to?

Well, first and foremost - Meeting the entire Miner Wars team. Although we have the luxury of communicating remotely, there's nothing like seeing first hand where your game is created. I've met Marek earlier this year at E3, but we were very preoccupied by meetings and had a busy schedule. This will be the first time I'll be able to actually see the studio first hand.

The whole interview will be published after GDS and you can read about his work, games and many more things. If you visit GDS you will find out about the good old Descent some interesting things.

We shouldn’t forget telling you about the place where you can find this big gaming event. The place is National Technical Library in Prague. The number of tickets is limited so register as soon as possible, if you want to go. With the official program out, we will try to write an article about the most important sessions and guests.


Štěpán Plachý / Twister

Publikováno: 07.11.2011

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