
Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores

Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores

Show a predator instinct and get hands on dinosaur trophies. But you won’t hunt T-Rex by primitive weapons, you can use modern technology. This is really a fun.ž moderním arzenálem. O to je to ještě větší zábava.
You won’t be able to hunt like this anywhere. There is a world of dinosaurs and to hunt them down you will use modern weapons and different upgrades. Each regions contains a mission, mostly you have to hunt down certain type of animal. As you progress the events and missions vary and you get hands on premium weapons. Accomplishing normal or special challenges gives you money and experiences to buy new weapons or upgrade the old ones.
And who you are? You are a hunter in this game and you go hunting in the style of FPS. Use the keyboard keys to move and use special skills to see the predators and their weak spots. The mouse is here for aiming and shooting so typical for action games. The early game is quite simple, you just need to aim and shoot but later the dinosaurs get strong and will be able to attack you. Then the game turns into a good adrenalin rush where you have to time your shots and be fast as well. You have to follow only certain types of dinosaurs so you won’t lose time.
The game has fine tempo, great 3D graphics and big content which you progressively unlock. The slowing down moment is represented by the good old energy which is used for every mission. But don’t worry, it’s refilled after some time. The game is available for the phones as well. So good luck and hunt.

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Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores

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